Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas gift organizing...of sorts!

My kids LOVE games...and we have this fun little game that we play now.  I made it up last year.  See, once I get the kids' gifts, I want to get them wrapped and under the tree because I don't want to hide them or deal with them (nor do I have the room to hide so many in my bedroom).  Anyway...I was telling my friend about what I did last year and she said "You HAVE to share that on your blog!"  So, here goes!

I wrap all the gifts - for cousins, kids, husband, grandparents, everyone.  I don't always do it all at once, but as I do, instead of putting "To:  Tommy Love:  Mom" I simply put a number or letter in the corner of the wrapped gift.  Like this:

Then, I make a note (on my top secret paper) that indicates whose gift it belongs to.  Then, I put it under the tree.  We have a Christmas Eve dinner with family and so I tell the kids "find gifts A, 10, and F" and bring them with us as we are heading out the door.  In the mean time, the kids have been eyeballing all the gifts and wondering which was their gifts.  

Then, on Christmas morning, there may be more gifts under the tree (or not) and so I write all the letters and numbers on separate little cards and put them in a big cup.  Each person draws a number or letter.  They HAVE to open the gift that they draw.  What is funny is that it's more than likely not even their gift!  See?

Oh, it's fun and keeps the kids from trying to crack open the gifts (well, at least for now).  It's my own crazy way of organizing a fun game and it's silly and keeps everyone laughing! 

More Christmas Ideas:

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