Monday, September 27, 2010

The Morning Routine: Chore Lists for Every Age

So, I am constantly asked about what chores my kids do and how old they were when they started doing them.  Teaching your kids to do chores teaches them to be responsible, it teaches them that they are an important part of running the household, and it teaches them that we all need to help each other out.  Mom can't possibly do it all!

Above is a link to another great list that will help you determine if your kids are old enough to do certain chores!  Enjoy!

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  1. The link isn't working for me, but I can't wait to check out that list! I know my 2 year old can do small things. It actually makes him feel important to have things to do :-)

  2. I can't get the link to work, either. My 11 yo has quite a few chores, but my 4 yo does not have as many. Am very interested to read the list.

  3. OK, Girls! Try it again! The link on top for sure worked for me, but I worked on the bottom link and it should be working, if not - email me!

    Becky B.

  4. nice to know I'm right on target with these "chores" (and a few others). I've always believed in "letting" my kids do for themselves whatever they are capable of and encouraging them to feel the pride of accomplishing things by themselves and then helping them to routinely do what I (and THEY) know they can do :)


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