Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Getting Ready for School - part 2 (School supplies and clothes)

Checking your lists....check them twice!

Well, school supplies - uggh!  I'm sure that this is an area you love or hate about school!  

What about clothing?  Is it really important to you that you buy a full new wardrobe of clothing for your kids before school starts?  

It's really different for each family and school situation.  In our public schools, we don't have to buy any school supplies for our kids, except for minor things at home.  However, the school asks for donations of specific items instead.  So for us, it's not  a big deal.  Some schools ask you to buy specific things to keep at school for your kids.  Try this if you need an idea of what to have and then:

- Take an inventory of what supplies you have.

- Throw out unusable supplies (broken pencils, erasers in pieces, markers dried out).
-  If you have more than two of something, get rid of it or give it someone else who needs it (or ask your child's teacher if they'd like it)

-  Get yourself some sort of container that can house all the school supplies - if it's a basket, a folder, a drawer - use something simple and keep the amount of supplies to a minimum.  My kids have WAY too many pencils!  So, I have to get rid of them because everyone thinks that giving pencils away for their birthday at school is great - but having 20 or more gets ridiculous!  

-  Find ways of saving money - go to here for some ideas.

-  Get a smooth start each morning, here (we'll go over this more next week)

As far as's all personal preference.  You'll need to decide if you want to buy a whole new wardrobe for your kids or not.  Personally, I usually try to get new shoes for the kids and maybe an outfit or two - although my son could care less about that!  We also get new backpacks for the kids, if they are needed!  Figure out how much you have to spend and search for what is needed.  If you have uniforms or you want to have a new wardrobe, you need to plan this into your yearly budget (which we'll be doing finance organizing sometime later this year).  

Like I said last week, start getting your morning routine practiced at least a few days before school starts.  It's crazy the first few days of school!

So, what do you have left to get for school? 

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  1. Becky, are you kidding? You don't have to buy school supplies? My kids go to public school and we spent almost $180 on school supplies, not including clothes and/or backpack/lunchboxes. It's ridiculous!!!

  2. Well, they DO ask for donations and send a big list home of all the items they need for each grade level. Maybe that is why our taxes are so high here in California!!

  3. you don't know how good you have it! For me, it isn't so much the money as the running around...the kids get these lists of very specific things they need to have, and then I end up going to 4-5 stores to find everything!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier, it's always nice to meet someone new! Let me know if you decide to tackle any doors and have any questions.



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