Friday, July 23, 2010

Weekend project - tearing down a wall

So, my spontaneous husband decided we needed to knock down a wall between the dining room and kitchen (we have talked about doing it since we moved in here four years ago)....which of course has now led us into this new territory of re-doing the kitchen!

Here is a small look at what took place over the weekend!  Messy?  You bet!  Was it worth it?  Take a look and you tell me...

I'll be working on lots of small projects in my "new" kitchen and will be posting those soon!  

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  1. Can I just say that your husband sounds like the sexiest man alive! Any man who can tear down a wall and give his wife a bigger kitchen/dining area is a keeper.

  2. Looks awesome so far Becky!! I cannot wait to see further transformations in your BIG kitchen!!

  3.'ll get to see more soon!

  4. Wow! That looks amazing! What a huge difference knocking down a wall makes. Looks great!

  5. Oh, wow! It's such a spacious area now. You have a smart hubby. Now you'll have all sorts of fun getting the decorating just right. :) Thanks so much for joining my party. Hope you have fun visiting around. :)

  6. That's a huge project! But it's going to be so wonderful - it already looks great :)

  7. Wow! The mess was totally worth it! Talk about opening up the space! I'm anxious to see how you blend these two rooms now that they are one big one. BTW... your kitchen looks great!

  8. What a big difference taking down that wall made! I love the open and airy feeling you've got now in your kithcen/eating area. Sounds like you've got a handy (and brave) hubby!

  9. Wow...what a difference the removal of that wall made. I can't wait to see what else you do with your kitchen.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.


  10. Wow! This is going to be a great space. Kuddos to you and your hubby for tackling this yourselves!!

  11. I agree with everyone that it'll make a big difference to have that wall down. I love more open spaces. Can't wait to see what you do!

  12. Oh my gosh! What a difference! I can hardly wait to see what you do with this space.


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