Tuesday, April 5, 2016

20+ Spring Cleaning Tips and Tricks

OK, so spring has come now for most of us. Does it motivate you to get up and clean your entire house? Me either...not a big fan of the whole clean everything, but it's a necessity of life and so I have come up with easier ways to get things clean and quickly - that's just sort of how I work! I have everything from cleaning make up brushes to naturally clean laundry to getting your house clean in just 15 minutes a day! No joke!

20+ Spring Cleaning Tips and Tricks :: OrganizingMadeFun.com

So, get out there and clean! 

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1 comment:

  1. Am I missing something somewhere? All I see are lots of other lists and there are 23 of those, not 20. Is there a link to the 20 things we're suppose to do that I can't find?


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