Friday, February 26, 2016

Chalkboard Art Made Simple

If you saw my amazing houndstooth wallpapered wall I shared last week, I told you that I was still working on the other wall. Well, it's done! Here is the fireplace wall in our middle {totally awkward} room. 

Houndstooth wallpaper ::

And, now for that wall over those fabulous turquoise chairs:

Beautiful room with chalkboard art and houndstooth wallpaper ::

I did a simple chalkboard art! Very simple! I picked a Bible verse that I liked and reminded me of home, and loaded it on my computer {using PicMonkey} and printed it up.

Like a bird that wanders from her nest, so is a man who wanders from his home. Proverbs 27:8 Chalkboard Art ::

As you can see this is a large chalkboard and I used my favorite Chalk Ink Markers {HERE}, so I asked my husband how we could hang this so that I can easily get it off and on so I can change the artwork out seasonally. He decided to use a french cleat, which allows that easily. 

To make chalkboard art, begin by printing up font and pictures ::

Being someone who is artistic and NOT an artist, I struggle getting my ideas to come to fruition - so I fake it, or copy cat stuff! So, what I do is begin by coming up with how I want the large chalkboard art to look as my inspiration - of course, I go on Pinterest for lots of inspiration - and then printed it up. 

To make chalkboard art, begin by printing up font and pictures ::

I make the lettering as big as possible and cut up and spread out on my chalkboard. I freehanded the lettering but I drew in chalk lines and carefully wrote the lettering up. 

Use pencil to trace picture that has been colored with graphite on backside ::

For the pictures, I can't freehand those - just saying! So, I take graphite and rub on the back of the enlarged pictures I printed up, then turn over and trace the picture with a pencil. This way I can use my chalk marker right on top of the graphite markings and it looks like I can draw!

Simple chalkboard art ::

So, the middle room is now complete and has a new function of sitting area, command center, and walkway to all the other rooms and beautiful outdoor patio. This simple way to make chalkboard art and change it out seasonably is such a great addition to this room! What do you think? Have you ever made chalkboard art for your home?

Succulent art - found HERE
Houndstooth Wallpaper - found HERE
Frame - found HERE
Faux orchid - Home Goods
Turquoise chairs - found HERE
Area rug - Zulily
Paint color - Valspar "Gravity"

Chalkboard - Hobby Lobby
Chalk Ink Markers - HERE, use FUN20 for a 20% discount
French Cleat - HERE
"Wrought Iron" piece over chalkboard - Hobby Lobby spray painted black
Lamp - Home Goods
Side Table - Home Goods

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  Want to know where I got that product?
 Go HERE and find it!

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1 comment:

  1. LOVE LOVE the wallpaper!! I would be terrified to implement this look but after seeing it, I LOVE it!! Beautiful!


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