Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The BIGGEST Organizing Mistake You Make {And How to Fix It}

What if I told you that you are making the BIGGEST mistake in your organizing? Would that be a big deal to you? With your resolution to get more organized this year, this could be the one thing that helps you realize how to do it, and do it RIGHT.

The BIGGEST Organizing Mistake You Make {And How to Fix It} :: OrganizingMadeFun.com

The biggest mistake you make is not having a plan! That's right - not planning! Without a plan, you will FAIL! I don't want you to fail! So, let me give you some tips to get your plan into action and keep you motivated to get organized and STAY organized!

  • What is it you want to organize? Is it a small area or your whole house? I always recommend you start small.
  • Never try to take on a HUGE job in one day, or alone! Always PLAN to take a little at a time and {if it's a big job}, always have a friend help out {or someone who can tell you to get rid of stuff/clutter}
  • Don't buy those organizing containers just yet! PLAN to go through and clean out the clutter, you may find all you need to organize the stuff that's left in the pile! 
  • NEVER organize clutter. 
  • Plan to spend about 15 minutes a day organizing. Plan to spend 15 minutes a day maintaining what you organized. 
  • Be flexible. Sometimes we organize and it doesn't work like we planned. Try again. Our lives change and schedules change and kids grow up so you'll need to change as the years go on.
The most important thing to learn is to PLAN. Make a plan. Decide that you are going to organize a specific area and plan how much time you'll spend each day, plan where you will donate the clutter, plan how you want it to work. Think through your plan and you'll be more likely to stick with it! 

For more help, learn the RIGHT and the WRONG way to organize! It is eye opening!

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  1. You're right about the plan. I had a plan and it got derailed. I'm seeing January slip away from me. So back to a second plan.

  2. You are so right about having a plan. That's really the key to every success. I also love what you said about going through all of your clutter BEFORE you buy organizing bins, etc. I made that mistake and ended up having to return a bunch of stuff I didn't need. :-) Happy New Year, sweet friend! Thanks for helping us stay organized!

  3. Yup this is so true. Declutter and purge first before you even both figuring out how to store stuff or else youll always end up storing stuff u dont need!
    XO Ellen from Ask Away

  4. Organizing is an on-going project, but it reaps high rewards. I'm finally down to about 5 minutes a day, after doing the 15 minute trick for about a year!


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