Tuesday, May 5, 2015

How Do You Organize Light Bulbs?

Am I the only person who struggles trying to keep my lightbulbs in a somewhat organized manner? I mean, they are a mess. You feel obligated to keep them in the most odd shaped boxes and containers and then they just spill out all over the place, right? At least, that's what I've experienced.

Lightbulbs in a utility closet spilling all over :: OrganizingMadeFun.com

So, I decided that I had to do something with this mess. I mean, seriously, can it be THAT hard to organize light bulbs? I honestly wasn't even where to start. This seemed to be one of those things I just really hadn't gotten a good idea of what to do! 

Too many lightbulbs to organize :: OrganizingMadeFun.com

So, I laid out all my light bulbs, jumped on Pinterest, and started coming up with an easy and inexpensive idea! 

I came up with some ideas based on my "research" {aka, Pinterest}. I decided to take the indoor, regular lightbulbs OUT of their packages - I know, gasp! The packaging was just too bulky and honestly I'm not super picky about everything lining up, so if you are either look away or do it your own way. I found these containers at the 99 Cents Store {although they were $1.49 - how is that?}. 

How to organize lightbulbs :: OrganizingMadeFun.com

I gently tossed the bulbs in and labeled everything. I bought taller containers for the outdoor and specialty sizes. I sorted by type - so a container for indoor, regular bulbs; chandelier bulbs; a specialty bulbs bin {I kept some of the more delicate ones in the packaging}; and then the outdoor bulbs. 

Simple? Yes. Inexpensive. Yes.

Before and After for lightbulb organization :: OrganizingMadeFun.com

I think I accomplish the task! Have you had trouble organizing lightbulbs? If not, share what YOU do. Pin this for later so you can remember it!

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