Monday, April 14, 2014

Organized Reader:: Laundry Room Makeover

I have amazing readers! You all have sent some great organized spaces! I HAD to share this one with you!

Organized Reader's Laundry Room Makeover ::

Morgan from Morganize with Me, has an amazing laundry room! It's HUGE, first of all {I could only dream of a laundry room this big!}

Organized Reader's Laundry Room Makeover ::

It is so clean and organized!

Great laundry basket tower to keep laundry organized ::

My favorite part is her laundry basket tower! How cool is that? You could have a lot of fun doing laundry this way.

Great laundry basket tower to keep laundry organized ::

She also has all kinds of things organized into zones for all her other things. 

Keeping an organized laundry room with utility area ::

Isn't it neat? To see her WHOLE laundry room and all the other great organizing, go HERE. What do you think? 

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