Friday, February 21, 2014

11 Ways to Organize Make Up

Make up can be such a fun way to express yourself or look a little younger, hide a few flaws, and more! But...if you don't keep it organized, it can be a mess! So, I've found 11 different ways to organize your make up!

11 Ways to Organize Make Up ::

I made over my cute vanity last year and then had to find a way to get the make up to fit in since it was a mess and all over the place. So, I used a desk drawer organizer from the office supply store. 

Desk Drawer Organizer for Make Up ::

I like this one below because she was replicating an expensive one and hers was MUCH cheaper. It's clear so you can see where everything is. Go HERE to see how she did it. 

Clear organizer drawers for make up organizing ::
If you've been on Pinterest, you've no doubt seen this very popular make up organizing option. She used magnets to attach everything to a metal-covered-with-fabric sheet. Go HERE to see how she did it. 

Magnetic make up organizer ::

This next one she used supplies found at the dollar store to make it into a cute tiered tray in her bathroom on the vanity. Love this! Go HERE to see more. 

Dollar Store tiered make up organizer ::
If you want super easy, this over the door shoe organizer is simple and easy! Love how it looks but it's simple to keep up with. Go HERE to see more. 

Over the door organizer for make up organization ::
Once again, cleverness wins! Take a desktop rotary organizer from the office supply store and put your make up in it, and you've got yourself an organized make up station!

Desktop rotary organizer for make up ::
If you've got a mason jar laying around, you can decorate it and make a cute make up organizer with that. Go HERE to see how she did it.

Mason Jars for organizing make up ::

I am a sucker for this one. I know it's not the cheapest, but it sure is great for traveling or if you are a pro make up user! A nice professional organizing case!

Professional Organizing Case ::
I have one of the Lay N Go cosmo bags and love using it for traveling and gathering up all my make up quickly. 

Lay N Go Cosmo Bag for organizing make up ::

The clear drawer dividers make great organizers for your make up!

Clear drawer dividers for make up organizing ::
And last, take an inexpensive drawer organizer, a couple of leftover containers, a toothbrush holder for your brushes, and magnifying mirror make a great organized make up area. 
Make up Organization ::

Aren't these great ideas? Which one is your favorite way? Or do you have a unique way to organize you make up?

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