Monday, December 30, 2013

NO more excuses for not getting organized!

With the New Year is almost here, I'm guessing that many of you have resolved that THIS next year you are going to get organized, stay organized, or keep motivated to organize!

I get a LOT of email and messages from my readers all with reasons why they can not get organized. Excuses, many of them, have that SEEM very legitimate. Excuses that they are justified to NOT have gotten certain areas or their whole home organized. Excuses that have pushed them each year into having a home or life that is certainly not calm or stress free. 

So, I'm starting this series in hopes of giving you NO MORE EXCUSES as to why you can't get organized. Some of you aren't going to like what I'm going to say. Some of you are going to be down right offended. But, like the trainer trying to help you lose weight or win a race, I don't really care what you think of me. I'm doing this because I care. I'm doing this because I KNOW you are capable of getting organized. 

Specifically, we're going to start with these areas, but I may add more as more excuses come to me {these are in no particular order}. 

  • Don't know where to start
  • Small children, kids who don't help
  • Perfectionism
  • It's not my mess
  • Not enough time
  • My house is too small
  • I don't have the money 
  • Distractions
  • Overwhelmed
  • Too much stuff
  • Procrastination

If you'd like to see more excuses go HERE and see what my Facebook readers had to say. There's a lot! What's your excuse? Are you ready to get rid of your excuse and get really organized this year? Tune in every MONDAY and get help getting rid of your excuse!

Go HERE to see organizing ideas to keep you motivated...

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 **I have a few affiliate links in this post - this does not mean you pay a dime more for the product when you purchase through my link. It just means I made it easier for you to find what you might like, so I make a few cents if you purchase. I SO SO SO appreciate when you support Organizing Made Fun. Thank you!!**  

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