Friday, September 20, 2013

Our Living Room - Up close and personal

Last week I showed you the professional photos that were taken of our house and a couple of them included our living room. 

Believe it or not, this room had been a thorn in my side for a few years. We bought our large, red sectional about 6 1/2 years ago, shortly after we moved in. It's super comfortable and a nice couch, but being near the window it has taken a beating from the sun and is faded in many places. Do I slipcover it? Do I even want this couch color anymore? Do I start all over again in the living room redecorating and buying a new couch?

Well, those were the questions I was asking. We use this room mostly for when we have people over - I guess it's sort of "formal" but it's not used nearly as much as it should be, but we also use it for other things whenever we can. It has a huge expanse of windows so we can see the whole block from in there. 

I like being in there. My husband goes in there each morning in the corner and sits in the chair, windows open, and reads his Bible. He can watch the sunrise and I know it's a nice place that he enjoys and it's quiet.

Well, I needed help with the room so I called on my girlfriend who is a styling guru. She's amazing - has this gift. I can not style shelves or anything like that. I'm terrible at it. I wanted to learn and I wanted her help. She did something - she looked at the room and said - "OK, so your color scheme in here is brown, red, orange, and cream with a little black?" Oh, wow, I hadn't even noticed there was a them and I hadn't even put all those colors together very well. 

She and I went shopping at Home Goods and I gave her my budget - we bought pillows, cute pretty things, lamps, and other items that would normally be considered "clutter". She "shopped" my house and helped me make sense of the whole room - remember, I was ready to repaint and get a new couch because I was so not into it? And, here is the result with much of her help. She taught me some tricks to style shelves better, but I wish I had taken better notes cause I mostly just watched her do her thing. She styled most of these shelves, but made a note to tell me how to group with three's and

I found this "painting" at Lowe's - of all places - and it looks great over the sectional.

The display cabinet we purchase on a family vacation to the Big Bear Mountains several years ago - it was marked down on clearance. On top there is a piece of Scripture from the book of Exodus that is beautifully framed.

Inside the cabinet are sentimental things - wedding album, our school yearbooks, family photo albums, and some vintage tools that belonged to my grandfather in law.

I had such a dilemma trying to figure out what to do over this mantel because it's so long. She suggested getting this Ikea mirror - it's the large one - and it's a GREAT price for that big, stinkin' huge mirror! I love it and it reflects more light into this room plus the metallic is sparkly with the other metallic accessories we've added. So, now you've seen everything! Do you have a hard time styling shelves like I do?

Chairs: Similar to THIS
Paint color: Valspar Free Wheeling
Lamps: Home Goods
Pillows, metallic pretty things: Home Goods

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