Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Paper or plastic? To app or not...

A few weeks ago I asked my Facebook readers whether or not they hand write their grocery list or if they use a special app. They always have great answers - are you on my Facebook page? Anyway, I asked them and they answered. Here are 15 different ways they had for making their grocery list:

1. Use a whiteboard on the fridge. Take a photo of the board as we head out and refer to that while shopping.

2. Cozi {my favorite app}.

3. Be old school. Use pen and paper, and cross items off with a red pen.

4. Use a a dry erase cling on the fridge that you take a picture of before you head to the store.

5. Use the "All Out Of" list from Knock Knock products. It's a paper list on a magnetic pad that sticks to the fridge.

6.  Keep a list on your cell iPhone. That way you never forget to take it to the store!

7. Grocery IQ app.

8. Anylist app.  You can be in the kitchen adding to the grocery list while your hubby's at the store shopping & it's instant communication. 

9. My Shopi app.

10. App "out of milk". 

11. List on Springpad.

12. "Our Groceries". You can share one app, so whoever gets to the store first can purchase and cross off the list. Also web based. Can maintain multiple lists.

13. Put a list on your computer in the order of how your stores is laid out. Write it in blue, circle in red. 

14. Google Tasks.

15. Woolworths for groceries.

As you can see, there are plenty of ways you can write down you grocery list! So, what is your favorite way to "write" down yours?

If you're interested in the Cozi app - which is my personal FAVORITE - click HERE or on the picture above and sign up! It's FREE!

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