Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Atlanta here I come!

I spent all last week in Atlanta attending a DIY blogger's The Haven Conference and it is one of my favorite parts about blogging.

I actually flew out a few days before the conference started to stay with my friend who just recently moved here. It rained for the first 48 hours I was here...which, being from Southern California, we don't get a whole lot of rain - especially in August! But, it's beautiful there so I didn't mind it. 

When packing this year, I decided to be smarter about it. Every time I go to a blog conference, I have to leave most of the "SWAG" {Stuff We All Get} behind because I just can't fit it all in my bag. I actually packed a suitcase within a suitcase so that on my way home I could pack a full suitcase with my SWAG.

See how much we get? I filled the large suitcase FULL! I packed the smaller one with my clothes and accessories - so I didn't really bring all that much!

Now, let me introduce to some of the amazing bloggers that I was able to meet and you should too! Ginny from Organizing Homelife, Geralin Thomas from Metropolitan Organizing {you may recognize her from the show Hoarders}, Jen from Iheart Organizing, Leanna from Organize and Decorate Everything, and Anna from Ask Anna. I wish I could tell you about each one of these ladies more, but just know that every one of them is as wonderful in person as they are on their blogs. Kind, loving, and sweet - they all desire to help you have an organized home!

Some of the other bloggers and "celebrities" that I met are {from top Right, clockwise} Tom Bury from Restaurant Impossible {my kids LOVE that show and he was very nice}. Kim from Sand and Sisal, Allison from House of Hepworths, Cyndi {the only fashion blogger there and a dear friend} from Walking in Grace and Beauty, Richella from Imparting Grace.

Well, I couldn't go to Atlanta and not stop by the Container Store. Remember that friend I mentioned above? Well, let's just say that during the rainy time here we worked on organizing a bit around her apartment! So, we stopped by the Container Store and had a lot of fun!! I'll show you some more of that organizing soon! Anyone live in Atlanta or visit there? What is your favorite thing to do there?

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