Tuesday, October 30, 2012

31 Days of Organizing Fun: Day #30 -- Other fun stuff

Welcome to Day #30 of 31 Days of Organizing Fun! 

Because I didn't want to exclude anything, I'm throwing out all kinds of ideas to organize with other fun stuff!

Martha Stewart

Organizing with pipe insulation? Yes, can you see?

Grocery bag holders -- to organize wrapping paper! Very clever. 

Teaching Strategies

Scissors organized in an egg carton.

Come Together Kids

Bean bag chair - that holds stuffed animals! Brilliant! Go HERE to see how she did it.


A mailbox to organize some garden tools. 

As the Card Rack Turns

A dish rack to organize leftover container lids.

Martha Stewart

Using a business card holder to organize and make a little fix-it kit.

Creative Organizing

A pencil box to organize a small car kit. I'm sure there are LOTS more ideas, right? I have a whole pinboard called Organizing Madness that has so many organizing ideas, you'll be amazed! If you have ideas and have a blog, you can link up TOMORROW....a BIG link party is happening here! Looking forward to seeing your organizing fun. Here is a button you can use to put at the bottom of your post so your followers know all about your participation! 

31 Days of Organizing Fun

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