Sunday, October 28, 2012

31 Days of Organizing Fun: Day #28 -- Ziptop bags

Welcome to Day #28 of 31 Days of Organizing Fun! 

Seriously, are you surprised I'm still thinking up fun ways to organize with things? Well, it's no surprise to me. There are so many things that you can use to organize with that you wouldn't expect that it's just a blast for me to find all the ideas.

All Things Simple

Here is a great example of keeping kids clothing organized for  traveling. Isn't this brilliant? I mean, keeping all their little things inside each ziptop bag? Oh, so smart and super organized!

Two Things in Common

This teacher took her bulletin board supplies and sorted them in ziptop bags to make it easier for her to get them put up.

Venusian Glow

More traveling with ziptop bags. This suitcase has everything organized to keep it from falling out, and of course, keep it from spilling out. Nothing worse than getting to your destination only to find out your shampoo bottle exploded all over your clothes.
Better Homes and Gardens

Using ziptop bags for freezing is a GREAT idea! Here they organize soups that are frozen! It's helpful to store flat in the freezer and then flip up into a container like this one. Makes me want to get in there and organize my freezer some more! 

I used smaller ones to organize game pieces in my game cupboardWhat have you used ziptop bags for organizing? 

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