Wednesday, October 24, 2012

31 Days of Organizing Fun: Day #24 -- Cardboard Boxes

Welcome to Day #24 of 31 Days of Organizing Fun! 

I think that cardboard boxes are totally fun to organize with. They offer a variety of things you can do, as they come in all different sizes.

Learning to be Me

It can be as simple as this, above, where she used them to organize her canned goods.

Real Simple

Using an old wine box to store shoes in--not only cheap but clever!

Real Simple

You know those jewelry boxes you get when you receive a gift or buy some costume jewelry? Well, they make great drawer dividers in your drawers to organize jewelry or other small items.

Simple {Kierste}

You can take a banker's box and spruce it up like this to use for organizing pretty much whatever you can fit inside.

I use a cardboard box in my own master closet as a donation box for my "one in one out" rule of clothing.

Stamping and Scrapbooking

This shoe box is great for organizing ribbon, or really whatever. I'm sure many of you have used a cardboard shoe box for lots of organizing uses, like I have! What other ways have you used cardboard boxes in your home to organize?

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