Friday, October 12, 2012

31 Days of Organizing Fun: Day #12 -- Picture Frames

Welcome to Day #12 of 31 Days of Organizing Fun! 

Using a picture frame for organizing also seems a bit crazy - but I've seen it done and it's amazingly simple and genius!

Diamonds, Dog Tags, and Diapers

Here, she took a picture frame and put some strips of scrapbook paper in it. Then, she used a dry erase marker to write in each day of the week for her meal planning. I love this! 
In My Own Style

My friend, Diane of In My Own Style, has genius ideas all the time. Here, she took a picture frame and turned it into a gift wrap organizer! You'll have to follow the link to see how she did it!

Creative Cents

Maybe you need a cute place to organize some pictures and things? Here is a darling frame with clips inside to hang on to those important pieces of paper or photos - go HERE to see how she made this. Any other ideas you've got for frames? I'm sure you've seen more...

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