Saturday, October 20, 2012

31 Days of Organizing Fun: #20 -- Baking Pans

Welcome to Day #20 of 31 Days of Organizing Fun! 

I'm sure that baking pans are certainly useful in most of your homes as just that -- baking things! But, like all the other ideas I've given you, they can be used to organize!

The Pleated Poppy

Start with this set of baking pans - cake pans - that have been turned into a small tower for organizing hair things in a girls' bathroom! Very clever.

Apartment Therapy

Now, this is another clever idea. Practical for some, maybe not for others. Putting baking pans on the wall, using some chain to hang them up - there is a tutorial HERE on how they did it. 

Tipnut via Dollar Store Crafts

If you went to the dollar store and picked up some cheap pans, you could spray paint them like this and turn them into cute organizing containers!

Better Homes and Gardens

How about using them in a shallow drawer to organize things?
Martha Stewart

And my last one, used as a tray inside a cupboard. You can organize all your condiments or tea/coffee supplies and slide out and take where you need to. Have you ever used a baking pan to organize? 

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