Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Top Organizers Bloggers Pinterest Board

Today is a Pinterest Party day!  I'm joining up with seven other organizing bloggers to bring you an organizing pinboard that you definitely want to follow!  Get ready to start pinning - all you need to do is go to this pinboard, follow all the organized bloggers (up at the top, you'll see our pictures and select to follow us), and prepare to be inspired! 

I'd also like to invite you to visit each of the bloggers at their cozy little spot in cyber space for more inspiration. 
Anna - Ask Anna
Becky - Clean Mama

 Like what you see here? Consider becoming a follower or subscribe via email! Are you an Organized Reader? I'd love to see your organized space. Email me HERE and show me your space to possibly be featured as one of my Organized Readers.

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