Monday, April 9, 2012

Organized Reader: Carol from Are We There Yet

It's time for an Organizer Reader Space! 

Meet Carol from Are we There Yet

Carol is a retired elementary school teacher who loves to decorate, read, scrapbook, take photos, and travel.  She and her husband were full-time RVer's (which is really where the name of my blog came from) until a family emergency took them off the road.  She says "I guess you could say that I am a little OCD - my husband says that I'm A LOT- and that is where my need/love for organization comes from.  I just like the ease of knowing where things are.  To me, it really does not take that much to organize a space once you commit - just take it one step at a time - and your life is so much simpler once it is finished."

Here is her organized pull-out pantry. I would love to have a pantry like this where you pull it out - so clever. 

And, you know, anything that is organized and lined up pretty, is lovely, too!

Combine that with labeling and you have a winning combination for a pantry!! Very neat! You should see the before and after of her kitchen, too - amazing difference!


And then there is the garage! Super organized - love all the racks to keep things at bay. And the storage lockers are a great way to divide up the space into two different rooms.

She even has a great workshop area that's super organized!  She's got some more to show - like her freezer, too! Go over and say "hello" to Carol and pin her pictures from her blog!

Are you motivated? Are you inspired? You should be...I certainly am! 

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