Monday, March 5, 2012

Organized Reader: Miki's master closet

I've got another GREAT organized reader for you today! Meet Miki from Becoming What I Always Was.

I am a designer at a firm in Salt Lake City. My whole personality is visual. I love to be visually pleased. I love to create my own projects and to organize! I  just got married to my sweet, sweet man of 3 1/2 years. We moved into the town home he already owned in Utah. Let's just say I have my work cut out for me.  I am very OCD when it comes to organizing, and so when we moved in together the first thing I did was organize; closets, cleaners, our garage - I mean, I went to town! The biggest thing for us was organizing both our things into one space. I moved my entire home into our home where his things already were, so it taken us a while, but it's definitely worth it. I have a very DIY personality, as does my  husband so every weekend we have some big project planned. It can be a big project like organizing the garage or a big project like redoing all our floors ourselves.

Miki 's blog, Becoming What I Always Was, is filled with lots of DIY projects, including her very organized master closet.

She had to deal with a crazy slanted wall in her closet, but she and her hubby made it work with their closet system and got super organized!

Isn't it purdy?

She's also organized her linen closet....

And check out this garage organization!

Go over to her blog if you want to see some more exciting projects that the newlyweds have been doing! 

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Don't forget: The BIG Spring Into Organization Home Tour is coming soon!!!

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