Monday, March 12, 2012

Down time organizing in the car

I hate to waste time. I hate it, really! I'm one of those people that can't just sit and do nothing. I have to pick up my little girl and the carpool gang one day a week, and in order to get a good parking spot in front of the school, I get there super early. So, what do I do? I take a stack of stuff and go through it - my coupons here in this picture - and sort through picking out expired ones and organizing the pile, basically, in the van.

What else can you do when you're stuck in your car waiting? How about get that trash cleaned out? 

Maybe organize some of your extra stuff in the car?

Or even keep the kids organized?

Well, those are some of the things I do while waiting in my van! How about you?

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 Don't forget: The BIG Spring Into Organization Home Tour is coming soon!!

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