Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Announcement: Winner of Menu Organizer

I am SO impressed with of all you! MOST of you plan your menu. Those who don't, said that they WANT to and should start! 

It makes me giddy to know that you are also so excited to get even more organized! Here's a few of my favorites quotes from your comments:

I absolutely do not do any menu planning whatsoever. Hence, why I NEED to win this! LOL! Help a sista out, pick me!!!  
I don't plan my meals. That's why we end up eating out all the time.  
I would love to win this...I can use all the help I can get!    
I liked Organizer on Facebook. I love drooling over all their products at Target!  
Aaaah! I have a monthly recurring plan to finally PLAN my meals instead of winging it every night, but I can never ACTUaLLy do it!!! Maybe THIS would help me finally DO it!!! :)   
I have really good intentions to plan weekly menus, however, with my lack of organizing skill I haventl gotten very far with the planning, That is why I would love to win the menu planner! Help.......   
My current system involves writing it on a piece of paper and putting it on my fridge so this owuld be a huge improvement! 
OK - this one I was like, what, how did she see that in my kitchen? 
I was inspired by your neatly written meal planning calendars in your kitchen, Becky! 
I looked at the email address....Turns out it was a girlfriend of mine!  

OK...so you really want to know WHO won the Menu Organizer from Organizher, right?

It's Chelsea! Her "liking" Organizher on Facebook won for her...Congratulations, Chelsea!!

She mentioned on her comment RIGHT BEFORE this one...

So, I think it's safe to say she will definitely use this! Also, for the rest of you who did NOT win, you can find these at Target. You can also check out their products here on their Facebook page.

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