Friday, May 6, 2011

Extreme Makeover: Playhouse edition! {Part 2}

You ready for the BIG reveal?  I hope so!  It's SO darling! Last week, I told you I would let you see the inside all, tadah!

 As you can see, the big "X" we turned into a big chalkboard!  The curtains are hung, the bench is painted...

I even brought in a piece of carpet - I got it cheap at Costco.  It's outdoor carpet that is mold/mildew resistant {just wish it was leaf-and-berry/flower-dropping resistant!!}.  I'd like to tile in there, eventually, but this will have to do for now!

Painted more chalkboard paint on the top of the table that was already in there.  A friend gave me these mugs and so I put them in here, since they matched!  They hold chalk and the eraser.

The mirror I found on the side of the road - FREE - and painted it black.  Not the best mirror, but perfect for a space like this.  

We had to screw it in - as kids who come over and play would yank it right off the wall.

The shutters will help with "privacy" and also help keep the playhouse more weather-proof as the tree drops all kinds of stuff, plus some rain gets in there.

My hubby cut them down to fit on the other two windows. This window was too tall so he found some scrap wood and beefed up the molding around it for them to fit.  Got these for $2 a set at Habitat for Humanity Restore and we only used 1 1/2 sets.  They came as four shutter panels in a row.

The curtains just had to be cut down and sewn.  The curtain rods and rings re-vamped a bit with some spray paint.  

We chose to use rope lights to light up inside - as it gets dark in there at night - or when the girls close it up.  We chose it for two reasons: we already had one strand {we just bought one more}, AND mainly because we could staple it down so the kids won't pull it down.

I think the best part of this was my daughter's enjoyment of getting to pick everything herself - from the paint to the bench to the curtains.  She was on a she didn't get to pick just anything.

She also had to do the work herself {although her brother graciously helped with some of it}.  She loved it even more.

It makes me want to be a little girl again...I would have LOVED this playhouse when I was her age.  I hope she uses it for years.  I told her that someday we'll get rid of the kids' swingset {replace it with a jacuzzi!!!} but I would never get rid of this playhouse!  

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