Monday, November 15, 2010

We're dating...

So, a few years ago I discovered something.  I started writing the dates on most anything that I opened.  I wrote the date I opened or started using it.  You're probably thinking...why in the world would you do that?  Well, I'll tell you why.  I would wonder, "How long did this last me?"  "When did I last buy this?"  And that's when it donned on me...marking the date on things.  Like...

Laundry soap, fabric softener, and all that stuff.


Vacuum cleaner bag

Make up

Well, you get the picture, right?  To make it even easier...I bought several sharpies to keep nearby {I even keep one in my vanity drawer} so that I don't forget to mark my make up {I even mark my mascara}. I keep one in the laundry room right near all the laundry products.

I've figured out now about how long I can go until buying more stuff.  It's really neat.  I know I can go about six weeks with the laundry detergent - I never knew that before!  I can go about two months with the kids' vitamins...and so forth.  It's great if you want to cut expenses for yourself and can't decide if you really need to buy more of something or if you want to wait until it's on sale.

I think it's a great idea...I only wish I'd thought of it sooner!

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