Friday, August 20, 2010

In the middle of....several ongoing projects!

I'd love to show you all kinds of pictures of our kitchen being totally done!  However, progress is going slowly.  My hubby is quite a busy man and every spare minute of his time (which is very little) he is doing something to make progress.  Joint compound can only dry so fast!  Here is a look at what my kitchen has sitting in it for the last four weeks!


 It's really only by God's grace that I have been so patient (in my opinion at least) about the mess in the kitchen.  It makes it easier knowing how hard my hubby works when he can to get progress done.  This is when I'd like to be able to do more, but he's really much better at drywall and joint compound than I am.

So, here is something very fun and exciting.  I have discovered MANY things to use my new griddle for! Everything from bacon to quesadillas to pancakes and grilled cheese!  I've been dreaming up new ways to use it with other stuff too!  It's dreamy....

I also had a wonderful time with my little girl at the local Children's Hospital Thrift Shop.  Look at the great things I got...

 It doesn't look like much, but I plan to spray paint all but the little green vase.  The brass candle sticks were just $4 for the pair, the glassy-orange vase only $1, the Party-lite candle holder (cupcake holder, is what Rachel wants to use it for) stand for $2.50.  So....what colors do you think I should spray paint them?  I am still undecided at this point...

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  1. Great finds. You can't go wrong with white. :)
    Living with your house in chaos during a remodel is awful. I feel for ya.

  2. Hi Becky, i'm visiting your blog for the first time, but this post just caught my eye because of the yellow vase. I have one on my bookshelf wich is very similar to yours (and it was a bargain too).

    By the way, great finds, i love good bairgains too!

    Kiss, Carla


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