Monday, July 5, 2010

Flexibility....that's the word!

So, last month I posted our summer monthly schedule .  Well, I was chatting with a friend of mine this week and telling her how I was switching my days around -my cleaning day for my fun day.  She was surprised that I was flexible about my days.  So, I want to encourage you that just because you have a "set schedule" doesn't mean it absolutely HAS to stay that way.  Hey, there are just days you have to switch stuff up.  The key is that you go back to you schedule as soon as you can....otherwise you wind up back to square one, having nothing planned or figured out!

I'm all about schedules, but I also believe that God is in control of absolutely everything and so being flexible and not-so-in-control of my own life allows Him to work out His plan for me!  And, boy, does it make me a lot less relaxed and can enjoy what comes!

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