Saturday, June 5, 2010

Weekend inspiration in the garden

Well, here is some more from my parents' house.  My mom's garden is beautiful!  I grew up in San Jose, CA but my parents moved down to Santa Maria in 2000 and have created an equally beautiful garden there!  I grew up with a good sized yard - for California - where my mom had a beautiful rose garden, a shed covered in a climbing rose, a gazebo that my dad built just before my sister had her wedding reception, and a gorgeous wood deck off the back patio with a roof covered in wisteria!  So, when they moved to Santa Maria, they basically had to start all over again.  Well, they've done it!  Here are some pictures to prove it!

Patio Decor |

Here is the view out their back window onto their u-shaped patio - in Santa Maria they get winds every afternoon, cold winds.  So the u-shaped patio helps to buffer that cold each day.

Gazebo |

Here's a closer view of their gazebo.  This one wasn't hand built like the one I grew up with, but it's still very pretty!

Gazebo |

This is a look back towards the house...notice the 
pretty hanging baskets my mom has - they are all over 
and she waters them by hand every day!

Garden Birdhouse |

 Here is the along the back fence...

Potted Plants |

Up close to some of her plants she has on a bench.

Hanging Flower Basket |

This hanging basket is hanging from a tree! 
I love pansies/violets and lobelia!

Japanese Maple |

This is their beautiful Japanese Maple - so red and pretty!

Gardening |

Here is one last look in another direction towards the gazebo.  It's amazing how everywhere you look there are flowers blooming!

Unfortunately my camera was being rather difficult at this point (I think the battery was dying) and so I wasn't able to get pictures of their front yard.  It's just as beautiful, too!  I definitely know that I get my love for gardening and flowers from my Momma!

Enjoy and have a nice weekend!

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