Friday, May 28, 2010

Summer Schedules...

 Our summer officially starts today!  I have compiled a summer schedule for the kids and keep us on track, but to also keep us from getting bored or unmotivated.  Here's a glimpse at what we've got for the weekdays:

Summer Schedule |
Monday is Runday - This is our weekly day to run errands all over the place.  So, over the weekend I sit down and make out my lists - grocery list, Costco list, or drugstore lists -this is also the time I plan my menu for the next two weeks....ummm, we'll go over that organizing at another time!

Summer Schedule |
Tuesday is cleaning and laundry day - my least favorite day, but nonetheless a necessary day each week!  I have a cleaning list that I go through - which again I will post another time.  Most of it I tackle.  Sometimes I don't get it all done, and you know what?  I just let it go to get done the following week. This is also the day to get all the sheets on all the beds washed and cleaned - I only have one set for our master bed since they are so pricey.  The kids enjoy getting to pull all the sheets off their beds - and Mom makes the beds this day (a real treat for them)!

Summer Schedule |
 Wednesday is Whatever day - This is our midweek day where we have nothing really planned at all.  The kids can play outside, go to friends' houses (although that option is open most days), play together inside, watch a movie, read a book, ride their's a fun day of spontaneouty.  We might even decide to head to the movies, go get ice cream, Mom might work in the yard, or just do a small project!
Summer Schedule |

Thursday is Backyard Thursday -  This is a special day for my kids.  Every summer we open our backyard up each Thursday morning and invite Moms and kids over to use our backyard.  This is our ministry to our church friends and an opportunity to invite neighbors to come over, too.  We moms love to sit under the large avocado trees, in the shade, and chat while the kids are on our large driveway writing with chalk, playing school, riding scooters, playing basketball, climbing the fort, swinging on the swings or playing in the playhouse!  My kids set everything up, organize the toys before the kids come, and even help teach the new ones the rules - yep, we have rules posted around our yard!

Summer Schedule |
Last we have FUN Fridays - This will be our weekly day to venture out and have a lot of fun - the zoo, the beach, bowling, Magic Mountain, or something more fun than just the library or the grocery store!  We're still open for more if you have some, feel free to give your input for our Fun Fridays!

Last summer was filled with therapy appointments three days a week, an hour away.  It was no fun, but we made the most of it with visits to their cousins' house that was a short drive from the therapist office.  I'm not saying you have to have your days named in the summer, but what a fun way my kids get to remember their young summer days.  They both have swim lesson each morning for six weeks of the summer.  They are also expected to do a certain amount of chores and reading each day, with a limit on Wii and TV use - of course, my kids get to "earn" extra time by reading more.  But, I'm hoping this helps to keep the bickering at bay and the "I'm bored" out of their vocabulary.  Which, by the way, I will be making an "I'm bored" list/jar of things to do if they come up to Mom and even say those words!

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  1. This is a bit unrelated, but where do your kids go for swimming lessons?

  2. Looks like a great schedule! Thanks for linking up! Have a great day.
    Bonnie :)

  3. Love the Backyard Thursdays and Fun Fridays. Sounds like a great way for both the kids and the Moms to have fun. I bet the kids enjoy both.

  4. would you be willing to share the backyard day rules??? I believe in learning from others' experiences. THANKS

  5. Would you be willing to share you "backyard day rules?" I believe in learning from others' experiences, and that would help get a great baseline before starting our own playdates. THANKS!!!!

  6. This is a great post! I am totally curious about your backyard rules! We love to host playdates on a regular basis, specially during the summer, sometimes once a week, but no rules! Sometimes kids would go inside and play in the playroom and when the playdate was over me and my kids were left with a huge mess to clean up, like all the toys were out of the bins (we have all our toys sorted out and in a certain bin each).

    Please share your rules! :)
    Thanks, Veri


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