Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The beginning...

So, here I am...starting a BLOG!  I have suddenly grown more and more excited about blogs and love to keep up with several blogs each day or week!  I have realized that I often have so many people asking me about organizing and tips and such, so I thought why not start a blog?  My attempt will be to post once to twice a week.  I've got topics swimming in my's crazy!  I have to actually ORGANIZE my topics!

I also would love to share some of the gardening and decorating things I like to do around my house.  I want to do all this "to the glory of God".  Why have a blog about these things without mentioning the most important part of my life?

I want to share with you how to organize your life, your home, your kids, your schedule, your pantry, you closet.....well, you can organize everything.  So, let me begin with a big welcome....

So, the first place we'll begin is your schedule!  Our next blog will be all about schedules.  See you soon.


  1. oooh!!! i'm bookmarking this!! cant wait to see what you have to blog!! :)

  2. Thanks, Becky! I'm sure my family will benefit from your shared skills :-)

  3. Looking forward to reading your blog, Becky!

  4. Woo hoo! I'm so excited, friend!


Please give me your organized thoughts!